![]() This is a great time to reorganize your desk! First of all, do you have a desk that supports your current needs? Is it big enough? In the right location? Is your chair the right height and does it give you the right amount of support? If you need some "Desk Support", try one of these blog posts: Desk Ideas for Sitting on the Floor or Couch Arranging Kids' Desks for Distance Learning Reflect: Let’s say that your desk is good to go… Now what? Consider how much “stuff” you like to have on your desk. Do you like it clean and completely cleared off? Do you like to have things out where you can see them? There’s no right answer. This is about knowing yourself and what supports your work and helps you to focus. Take Everything Out: If you have several drawers, instead of moving things around, do a full clean out. Take everything out of your drawers. I know... this may sound a bit scary. But go ahead and try it. Begin with a clean slate. Then, choose the easiest to reach drawer and begin putting in the items that you use the most often – this may include a hole puncher, a stapler, a pair of scissors, a pair of headphones, etc. Whatever you use frequently should get the prime real estate in your drawers. Think Vertical: As you put things away, think ‘vertical’ for storage. You want to be able to see everything that you have at a glance when you open a drawer. Consider using dividers, even things like plastic boxes you may normally put into the recycle bin. Some of the sturdiest boxes for drawers are actually the boxes that iPhones come in! (If at this point, you’re looking for help getting started on your papers, check out this blog post to Kick your Paper Clutter.) Give Everything a Home: Next, begin to fill each of the drawers with items in the order that you use them. Consider creating drawer space for your laptop, planner, calendar, and notebook so that you can clear your desk and put everything away. Give every item a home, even the big items that often sit out on top of the desk. Do not try to put everything back unless you truly use it all! Your desk drawers should be for items that you actually use often at your desk. This is not the place to store items that don’t have a home! ![]() Add Some Fun: The final task is to add some “spark joy” items to your desk. Make it your own. Do whatever makes you happy – whether that is bright colors, humorous items, pictures of family and friends, or calm tones. This is YOUR desk. Make it your own! If you would like some support as you tidy your desk, I offer one-on-one coaching via video conferencing. Sign up for a spot today! -Laura You may also like these blog posts:
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AuthorMy name is Laura, and I love all things organizing! Categories